VMPC Connect Call

Septembre 7, 2023

The next VMPC Connect Call is happening September 7th on Zoom.

We hope you can make it! This time we'll be getting to know our VMPC Board of Directors, their individual roles, and what reasons you would reach out to each member of the team. We'll also be answering any questions you may have about VMPC and our current projects. 


Thursday, September 7, 2023 (9am PT / 11am CT / 12pm ET)

Theme: Meet the 2023-2024 Board of Directors & Find Out More!

Please register here to attend and get the login link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdO6rpz8sG9eSBrRnaljWDPi415V9yVwH#/registration 


These are casual networking meetings, usually lasting about an hour, bring your lunch or morning beverage and join us if you can! Connect Calls are a chance for volunteer management professionals from across Canada to network and exchange ideas.

Every second month we host these online networking meetings for volunteer management professionals. These free meetings are open to both VMPC members and non-members and are designed to allow for cross country connections across a variety of sectors.

Each meeting has a particular theme as suggested by members and will involve facilitated discussions around the topic. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, exchange ideas, provide tips, share tools, and ask for input and feedback from their colleagues. VMPC will sometimes bring in guest speakers or share relevant information or resources with the group in relation to the theme.