What's New > 2024 Hybrid Conference Site Host Registration Open Now
The most frequently asked question at previous conferences has been related to how a Leader of Volunteers can have management level influence in their organization. This year, at the annual Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference, we'll be answering that question with a variety of experiences shared by some of your peers in volunteer management who have found a way. Each speaker this year has extensive experience in the field and has a great story to tell.
Our presentation team for our 10th annual event features Rob Jackson, moderator; Adam Janes, Tracey O'Neill, Nicole R. Smith, and Sarah Sukhram, presenters. You won't want to miss it! Checkout out videos from the presenters on the conference website.
Host site registrations are open and early bird rate ends tomorrow, July 1st. Not able to host this year? The conference website will have a list of host sites that you can attend and will be updated weekly.
Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference Site