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What's New > International Volunteer Managers Day – Nov 5, 2011

International Volunteer Managers Day – Nov 5, 2011

Events Across Canada
affiché le 8:19 AM, Octobre 21, 2011
As the IVMD website says..”volunteering does not succeed in a vacuum. Behind this army of volunteers lies an equally dedicated group of individuals and agencies who are responsible for the coordination, support, training, administration and recruitment of the world's volunteers - skilled professionals who are adept at taking singular passion and turning it into effective action.” Go to for more information. CAVR sends out our deep appreciation to Managers/Coordinators of Volunteer Resources on this special day. We encourage you to celebrate your accomplishments on November 5th and to let others in your organization know that all around the world, those who engage and support volunteers are being honoured on that day.

International Volunteer Managers Day – Nov 5, 2011

As the IVMD website says..”volunteering does not succeed in a vacuum. Behind this army of volunteers lies an equally dedicated group of individuals and agencies who are responsible for the coordination, support, training, administration and recruitment of the world's volunteers - skilled professionals who are adept at taking singular passion and turning it into effective action.”  Go to for more information. 

CAVR sends out our deep appreciation to Managers/Coordinators of Volunteer Resources on this special day.  We encourage you to celebrate your accomplishments on November 5th and to let others in your organization know that all around the world, those who engage and support volunteers are being honoured on that day. 

Below are celebration events being held in Calgary and Ottawa. 

Please contact us at with any events occurring in your area and we’ll also post them to the Site!

IVMD events


On November 5, we celebrate International Volunteer Managers Day in honour of these remarkable professionals.  

Volunteer Calgary invite all managers of volunteers to come and celebrate IVMDay with us!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
2- 4pm
2 Floor Kahanoff Centre
1202 Centre St. SE

For more information on IVMDay, visit


Ottawa Administrators of Volunteer Resources (OAVR) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a networking event in celebration of International Volunteer Managers Day. We welcome anyone working in volunteer resources management, paid or unpaid, in the National Capital Region to join us as we raise a glass to toast to our profession, say hello to new colleagues, and perhaps, reunite with some old friends too.
Spread the word! Admission is free and you need not be a member of OAVR.

Thursday, November 3, 2011
5:00 to 7: 00 p.m.
The Lieutenant’s Pump
361 Elgin Street (at Waverley)
Free admission

Cash bar (10% returned to OAVR, for future member events)
½ price appetizers.

Free street parking after 5:30 p.m.
Bus Route # 5 and 14 stop right outside the doors.
Location is fully accessible.

RSVP to Lise  Beauchemin
More info at: or

OAVR Notre premier ' 5 à 7'

Nous soulignons et  célébrons La journée Internationale des gestionnaires de bénévoles avec notre  réseau. Nous accueillons tous les individus travaillant dans le domaine de la  gestion des ressources bénévoles, dans la capitale Nationale. Joignez-vous à nous pour lever un verre et célébrer notre profession, saluer des nouveaux  collègues et renouer d'amitié avec des anciens amis.

Inviter les gens de  votre entourage! Aucun frais d'admission et ce n'est pas un pré-requis d'être  membre du OAVR.

Le jeudi 3 novembre  2011
17h00à  19H00
Le Lieutenant's Pump
316 Rue Elgin
Bar payant (  ristourne de 10%, alloué au OAVR afin de cotiser d'autres  événements)
appéritifs 1/2 prix
Stationnement gratuit  sur les rues avoisinnantes après 17h30
Trajet d'autobus #5 et 14
Restaurant est  accessible à tous.

RSVP à Lise  Beauchemin