What's New > Which priorities would you like to see Volunteer Canada focus on?
Volunteer Canada’s first-ever interactive online annual report is live at www.volunteercanadaannualreport.ca. The annual report features blog-style content with space for you to weigh in on issues affecting volunteerism. This new format is aimed at encouraging dialogue, building awareness about Volunteer Canada and its achievements, and furthering our commitment to collaboration and community building. In keeping with this spirit of cooperation, we invite you to read through our annual report and lend your voice to the conversation. It’s a great high-skills micro-volunteering opportunity. It’s high-skills, because we’re engaging you as an expert on the topic; and it should take you less than three minutes, thus, micro-volunteering!
We kindly ask that you visit the annual report Web site and join the discussions. For instance, tell us what priorities you would like to see Volunteer Canada focus on in the future. Or share your thoughts on how Volunteer Canada can ensure the changes we make are for the better.
Once you’ve shared your opinions on the site, please consider asking your members and networks to do the same. You can help raise awareness and pique interest in the conversations by sharing our annual report on your website, in newsletters, or via social media, and encouraging your networks to get involved.
Thank you for your continued support.
Don Lapierre
Director, Programs and Voluntary Sector Relations
Volunteer Canada