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What's New - Francais > 2011 National Conference! > Comment "nvhKypBtfNNGzgM"

par Rodrigo, affiché le 5:02 AM, Mai 29, 2012
Appreciation for this inmforatoin is over 9000-thank you!
Re: nvhKypBtfNNGzgM
by Artit
affiché le 1:04 AM, Juillet 5, 2012
Dear,firstly log on ur computer with an adarnistimtive user ID thenYou hav to change ur theme Classic to Windows XP.right click on ur desktop go to properties,select theme here as Windows XP.your XP home...
by Sushmita
affiché le 4:41 PM, Juillet 6, 2012
This is one of the nice features that WordPress has qutiley added in recent times. I remember when I had to dig around in php files to reset the dimensions for large, medium and thumbnail images when I...
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