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What's New - Francais > Why the CVA Certification is Worth Your Time

Why the CVA Certification is Worth Your Time

(disponible en anglais seulement.)
affiché le 3:46 PM, Janvier 28, 2014
Registration for the CVA certification is open until March 1, 2014. Why pursue this certification? Read on to find out!

Why the CVA Certification is Worth Your Time

By: Jennifer Bennett

Featured on the Volunteer Match Blog January 8, 2014

I've written before about why I personally pursued my CVA (Certificate in Volunteer Administration), and when I was asked to join the Board of CCVA (Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration) in 2012 I said yes for many of those same reasons.   I still believe in the effective engagement of volunteers, and that it demonstrates my knowledge and experience in the field and reinforces my organization's commitment to the profession of volunteer management.  

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