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Standards of Practice

Volunteerism and the Voluntary sector in Canada 

Every day, thousands of people voluntarily give their time and talent to thousands of organizations across Canada.  They give their time freely and with no expectation of monetary reward.  Their hours of service ensure that many activities are accomplished and many people are helped.  They represent every walk of life - professional, homemaker, student, and retiree - as well as every age and cultural group.

The value of these volunteers to any organization is incalculable.  Volunteer Managers are critical to the effective and efficient use of these resources.  VMPC believes in, and endorses, the importance of managing volunteers and volunteer programs to established standards of practice.

Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada (VMPC) and Volunteer Canada provide national leadership in promoting and enhancing volunteerism in Canada.  In January 2005, VMPC and Volunteer Canada embarked on a new project to consolidate VPMC’S Standards of Practice (VMPC, 1998) with the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (Volunteer Canada, 2012).

Prior to the development of the Code, VMPC had its own Standards of Practice, which were used as a model for the development of the current Code. 

The result is a revised Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement that integrates elements of the original Code with the VMPC Standards of Practice. VMPC and Volunteer Canada are proud to present this revised edition of the Code to managers of volunteers.  This revised Code was created in collaboration with other organizations, to ensure that the volunteer sector was working with a cohesive set of standards.

VMPC is proud to state that it has adopted the Code and encourages all its members to do the same.

Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVI)  - Released by Volunteer Canada in 2017.

CCVI Check List - Use this series of checklists created by Volunteer Canada to implement the CCVI ten standards of practice


For more information please contact the Chair of Professional Standards